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Five Reasons to Use Google Interactive Resources in Your Classroom


1.  Student Work is Saved Automatically

Since I started teaching in 2001, a common issue that has come up time and again in my classroom is student work going missing.  I wish I had a dime for every time I have had a student tell me they completed an assignment, but it has since been misplaced.  In addition, as computers have become more common in classrooms, many students have had work accidently deleted or their hard work unintentionally erased.  There have even been times over the years that I have been known to misplace student work or get it mixed up into the mounds of never-ending papers that seem to accumulate.

All of these problems are easily eliminated when I incorporate assignments that can be completed within Google Drive.  When students work on completing an assignment in Google Slides or Google Docs, their work is automatically saved as they go.  This has greatly reduced suspicious excuses and untimely catastrophes with saving assignments in my classroom.

2.  Students and Teachers Can Access Work from Anywhere

One of the beautiful things about my students using Google Drive to complete assignments is that they are able to have access to their work anywhere they have internet access.  My kids can access their work on a computer or device from home, from a grandparents or friends home, while on vacation, any public location with Wi-Fi, or in our classroom.  Also, I also always have my students share their work with me so that I can also access their work from anywhere and easily monitor their progress and give them prompt feedback.  This gives kids so much more flexibility in completing assignments than ever used to be possible.  It has been a game changer for my students.

3.  Improved Student Performance on Computer Based Standardized Assessments

Do you remember the days of students filling in countless bubbles with number 2 pencils on your state’s standardized tests!  It seems like that was just yesterday! It seems that almost overnight standardized tests have moved from fill in the bubble to digital computer-based assessments.  Now we have all new acronyms to remember like PARCC and SBACC.  Now, not only do students need to have a solid understanding of the content to be successful, they also must be proficient in typing and maneuvering around a computer! Incorporating lessons and assignments into my classroom that students complete using Google tools has greatly helped my students prepare for these increased demands.  I have seed a documentable correlation between increased digital assignments and increased scores on standardized assessments.

4.  Infusing Technology Increases Student Excitement and Engagement

I don’t have to tell you that kids love technology.  They are growing up with it.  Technology has invaded almost every aspect of their lives since the day they were born.  Technology seems to be universally interesting to almost all students. I have found that if I incorporate a technological component to almost any lesson it immediately becomes more interesting to my students.  I almost aways find my students to be more engaged and excited about learning when I infuse assignments that can be completed within Google drive.

5.  Paperless! Save Time, Money and the Hassle of Scissors and Glue!

Please tell me that I am not the only one that gets tired of endless piles of paper. Not only is completing assignments in Google Drive environmentally friendly, it also will cut down on those piles of papers that seem to stack up everywhere.  Paperless assignments have helped me to keep my classroom clean and organized.

Matt & Tara



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